It's On Like Donkey Kong!!!!!!!!

Surf and Squirts (Cbass Stuffed with Calamari)

Check out the Premium Fish Shots from up north. Greg Stoney on the Amberjack.

Hey guys,

I found a biter yesterday out at the squid grounds, just one bite for me for the morning and I saw a couple of other fish caught, all very nice grade. The squid snagging was full speed, doubles, triples, quads, all you want.


Whats up guys,

I took advantage of the nice weather and fished yesterday. I messed around at the squid grounds and was able to scratch enough bait to fish with, but it quickly became clear that I was a day (or night) or two too late for the croakers. I made a move to a much less crowded zone, dropped down a few squid and started yoyoing. Almost immediately the jig got slammed and a dropper loop bent over. The fish pulled hard but didn't feel quite right and ended up being a couple of 60# bsb. I was able to pull off a clean release on them and they were gone with a couple of kicks of the tail. After weeding through some pretty nice bonito I had one more good bite on the bottom and this fish peeled some drag and had the right 'thump' to it.

Fish Salas!

That was it for yellows for the afternoon, but it was more than enough.


Boom Boom POW - -Nice Reports Stoney

Fred Fukunaga 10 Day on the Star

Evening Folks

Check out the Sweet Images from the Fred Fukunaga 10 Day on the Royal Star. Looks like the Tanji Family had a ripper time. Images and report courtesy of the Royal Star - Current Conditions

"Thanks Greg!!!"

Captain Greg Tanji and Suzie Tanji -188.5 Yellowfin Tuna

Mark Oliver - SuperCow

Captain Greg and Pops Bobby Tanji
"God Dang this Tuna is Heavy....Sh#@$@##@!!!!"

Another Great Trip for the Group on the Royal Star.

Getting Ready for the Shop 10 Day coming up in a few weeks on the American Angler. We leave the Saturday after Thanksgiving returning in early December. There is plenty of room on our trip if you are itching to jump on a 10 Day. Call Lori Patella with the American Angler at 619 223 5414 and get the 411 about the trip
. The Show is about the Start............