From: Steve Yatomi [mailto:zato1@earthlink.net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 10:05 AM
To: Steve Yatomi
Subject: GREAT WEEK ! Brazil peacock bass fishing report
Hello Everyone,
Here is the fishing report from Marlon from the Tayacu, good fishing reported with the water level still coming down and is rated at medium levels. Number of catches are coming up every week. Some nice fish landed this week 16 peacocks over 20lb.

This week big fish report:
2- 25lb
2- 24lb
7- 23lb
5-between 20 and 22lb.
11-between17 to 19
77-between 10-16
713fish under 10
Water level: rated medium, water is slowly going down.
Conditions: rated good to very good
Here are the big fish stats for far this season.
Trip 1 8/22- 2 fish over 20
Trip 2 9/2 1 fish over 20
Trip 3 9/9 0 fish over 20
Trip 4 9/17 2 fish over 20
Trip 5 9/26 14 fish over 20
Trip 6 10/3 16 fish over 20
We still have prime space open: in and in Jan please call for more information; this is already shaping up to be an excellent season.
Nov 13 to 20 Tayacu 1
Jan 2 to 9 Tayacu 1
Jan 9 to 16 Tayacu 2
Jan 23 to 30 Tayacu 2
We will be catering to Fly fisherman for a nice small groups of 8 anglers specializing monster peacocks. Call or email for more information.
Please feel free to call or email me
Steve Yatomi
Adventure Travel Alliance
1-800-254-3474 (FISH)
1-805 520-9600 fax
1-805-501-7403 cel
Skype: ATA3474