Options 3-6-2010

From: Stew Suenaga
Date: Sun, Mar 7, 2010
Subject: Options 3-6-2010
To: bob.bobssportinggoods@gmail.com

Hay Bob, just got off the Options Saturday night. We fished the backside of Catilina, ended up with 2 legal seabass, 40 calicos, some sheep and sargo. Weather was great rain,thunder, lighting and hail started when we were done fishing. We lost 2 big mystery fish. I got my first seabass of the year, small but legal.

Nice Stew - - A Great Way to start off 2010

"Wahoo & Summer Tuna"

Wahoo & Summer Tuna: Long Range Fishing Aboard Independence from paul@fishingvideos.com on Vimeo.

Morning All

Check out this cool Video the Gang at FishingVideos.com put together on board the Independence. Nice Shots of some quality Alijos Fish.

Yellows Yellows Yellow!!!!!!

Hey Gang

The yellows went off down off the Coronados for the 3/4 Day Boats. The Malihini, Voyager, and Mission Belle got a good whack on the 15 - 25 lb grade fish on the YoYo. Dust off the 700H and your 50 lb rigs. The Season has arrived nice and early.............
Hey Gang

Check out the Video Footage from up north resulting from the Tsunami Warning we just got this past Saturday. It was reported by my good fishing bud that the water level in Ventura Harbor rose 9 inches in 6 minutes - - Now that is a ton of water. Enjoy the footage