Yet another great report from Steve Shimahara and Brandon the Fishing Machine. Hokie Smokes. The kid is having a great year.
Date: Oct 8, 2007 6:13 PM
Wanted to let all the fellow fisherman know the season is not quite over yet. Just returned from a day and half this morning (Monday oct 8) fishing on Dave Ikeda`s boat the Endeavor approx. 60-70 miles nw of San Diego. David took us to the butterfly. Our count for the day was around 70 yftuna, 6 albacore, and 1 stripped marlin
Steve Shimahara
WUT?? Sanford Morita???? You got to be kidding me!!!!
Sanford and I go way back to the days of playing CYC Little League Baseball together for the Westside Dodgers. Scott Okamura's father Ed was our Coach, and the honorable Al Morita was our team sponsor/manager. Rancho Cienega Park and Hamilton High School was Home Turf.
Those were the days man. My Rice Burning 1971 Datsun 510......Earth Wind and Fire....Charlie's Angels.....Pop I better stop before this really gets embarrassing.......
Sanford is an outstanding individual to have as a friend on deck and mentor for Brandon. Next time you run into Sanford, please tell him I said Hello.
What a trip.....It really goes to show you we really do live in a small world
Thanks for the report Steve and Brandon
Signing off for Now