From: Michael Arujo [mailto:captmikearujo@gmail.com ]
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 9:13 AM
To: Robert N. Hara; Josh Rosenstein; Rob Stewart; wayne mills Todd Garrett; Patrick B. Tooley Manuel Arujo
Subject: 6-19-09 SCI YT & Seabass
Hey guys fished SCI on Thursday & fri day on the Mattino out of del rey, stopped on the front side of Cat Isl on the way over for great fishing on the 3 Bs + a small 7 lb yt ,then picked up some squid and headed to SCI ,seabass in the night & YT in early morn for the boys.
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 9:13 AM
To: Robert N. Hara; Josh Rosenstein; Rob Stewart; wayne mills Todd Garrett; Patrick B. Tooley Manuel Arujo
Subject: 6-19-09 SCI YT & Seabass
Hey guys fished SCI on Thursday & fri day on the Mattino out of del rey, stopped on the front side of Cat Isl on the way over for great fishing on the 3 Bs + a small 7 lb yt ,then picked up some squid and headed to SCI ,seabass in the night & YT in early morn for the boys.

fun stuff & nice grade Capt.Mike.
Nice - -