From: Barry G
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 1:00 PM
To: Robert N. Hara
Subject: Pyramid Lake photos from Barry
Bob it was nice talking to you today, I got your logo up.
These fish were caught in the middle of March with Sierra Drifters Guide Service owner Tom Loe. I would highly recommend his operation for anyone that fishes the Bishop area, he’s the real deal, and as good as it gets.I was up their fishing with two of my good friends Craig Holmes, Mike Casey that fish long range on the American Angler with me. We fished two days for around 6 hours a day catching beautiful Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, we landed approximately 80 fish all released. The fish were all caught on 6wt. Sage fly rods on a Ranger flats boat, about half of the fish were 24” – 30” in size.

I guess we could call that 4 seasons fishing.
Nice Report Barry.