From: Gerald Scholl [mailto:g_scholl@msn.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:17 PM
To: Aaron Sedway; Barry Mindelson; Bob Hara; Bob Porter; Bob Wilkerson; Chad Forester; Damon Porter; Dean Wigger; Greg Stoney; Harlan; Joey; Brian Kiyohara; Josh Liberty; Kenneth Yokoe; Kevin Nonoguchi; Lothar Schweigert; Phil Catalano; Sol; Sol Gordon; Stan Horowitz; Steve Danziger
Subject: Tahoe Brown Trout!
To All,
I hope your all doing well. Lately I've been figuring out how to catch the elusive Lake Tahoe Brown Trout!! Attached are a few pics of fish (6.5, 7.75, & 10.75 lbs. from top to bottom) that my clients had the pleasure of catching.
Gerald Scholl
Sierra Fin Addicts Guide Service
1618 Lone Oak Trl., Reno, NV 89523
775.225.0979 - C / 775.473.0656 - O

Well Done Gerald......
Nice Fish and a group of Stoked Anglers.